Blog BHAY, #9 in series of 14 about “Good to Go, Hard to Leave”: Letting Go to Take Hold

I’m moving in stages. I’ll be creating my new home carload by carload, and then in one big truck load. Today I’m making room for the first carload: the cats, their letterboxes, litter, food, and scratching post, plus my bedding, towels, some cleaning supplies, kitchen goods, just enough clothes to see me through my firstContinue reading “Blog BHAY, #9 in series of 14 about “Good to Go, Hard to Leave”: Letting Go to Take Hold”

BHAY Blog #8: Big Hairy Audacious Blog in Remembrance of my Mom’s Birthday

My mother would have celebrated her 88th birthday today, December 21st if not for a combination of lifestyle choices, chronic health issues, benign but slightly negligent care at her skilled care facility, and boredom. She died in January of 2016, aged 83, leaving a rich and wildly esoteric and exotic legacy of arcane facts, culturalContinue reading “BHAY Blog #8: Big Hairy Audacious Blog in Remembrance of my Mom’s Birthday”

Blog #12 Hope for the Holidays

Instead of gathering in person with siblings this year for Thanksgiving, we’ll make alternate arrangements to be present with each other. We’ll probably use FaceTime or Skype, or Zoom, or another form of media to make our familial love visible to each other. It won’t be the same, of course, as in the past, butContinue reading “Blog #12 Hope for the Holidays”